Low-hanging fruit: 5 affordable energy upgrades

Fruit money

Energy efficiency upgrades can really save you money, but the upfront costs can be expensive. If investing in a big system upgrade is biting off more than you can chew, start by picking the low-hanging fruit — such as these five simple, affordable energy-efficiency improvements.

1. LED lighting

If you still use older fluorescent tube lamps in your facility, now's a great time to switch to high-performance LEDs. LEDs are highly efficient, last longer than conventional lights and are durable — resistant to vibration and breakage. You'll save big on energy and maintenance costs over the life of the bulb. LED replacement bulbs are available to match most existing fixtures.

2. Occupancy sensors

Are you wasting energy by lighting frequently empty spaces like conference rooms and restrooms? Occupancy or vacancy sensors offer a simple, cost-effective solution. They automatically turn off lights when no one is there and switch them back on when they're needed. LEDs start instantly, making them a perfect fit for use with occupancy sensors.

3. Smart thermostats

Adjusting building temperatures based on your operating schedule is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy costs. Programmable thermostats make it easy by automating the process — optimizing savings and convenience. Newer smart thermostats take it a step further, providing advanced features such as self-programming and remote control.

4. Smart plugging

Energy consumption for computers and electronic equipment is on the rise, and many of these devices continue to use power even when you're not using them. Implement power management settings on all computers and office equipment. Supplement power management settings with advanced power strips to automatically cut power to devices when they're not in use.

5. Air sealing

You pay a lot to keep your facility comfortable — don't let energy dollars slip away through leaks in doors and windows. Weatherstripping and caulking windows and doors in your facility is simple and inexpensive, and can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs.

If you're looking to reach a little higher, consider an energy audit or assessment of your business. We can get you started with a free consultation. An energy adviser will suggest various upgrades and connect you to possible financial incentives from Focus on Energy.